Do not store your board in a sunny location while not in use!
The sun is the most damaging force on the planet, especially for your new MURPHS SURF board. Try to keep your board out of the sun as much as possible when not in use.
Here's Why:
De-lamination - The inside of your MURPHS SURF board is foam, which consists mostly of air and other gasses. When these gasses are heated by the sun they expand. As they expand they take up more space and can cause pressure to build on the inside of your MURPHS SURF board. If they expand too much, the pressure will push on the hard shell of the MURPHS SURF board and may cause the fiberglass shell to detach from the foam core. This is called de-lamination, and can result in air bubbles being trapped between the foam core and fiberglass shell.
To avoid de-lamination:
Follow these simple steps to ensure a long life for your MURPHS SURF board:
The Gore-Tex® Vent Plug: The plastic Gore-Tex® vent plug is used to keep the inside of the board (the core) an air/water tight environment. It vents the board automatically, please do not loosen or remove to prevent damage to the plug.
Always store your MURPHS SURF board in a cool dry place or shady area when not in use.
You may also store your board in a well ventilated board bag to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Fading - While your MURPHS SURF board is constructed of UV resistant materials, over exposure to the sun can cause the colors to fade. While this will not affect the performance of your MURPHS SURF board, it will tarnish the brilliant color finish of your board detracting from its beauty.
To avoid fading…
Always store your MURPHS SURF board in a cool dry place or shady area out of reach of direct sunlight.
A ding is a depression or crack in the fiberglass shell. Just like with your automobile, some dings in your board's fiberglass shell are bound to happen with regular use.
Depression Ding - This is typically just a cosmetic problem, unless the ding is located on the bottom of the board in an area that could affect the flow of water across the surface of the board. They are typically caused by rough handling of the board and there isn't really anything you can do about it.
What to do… To avoid dings on the top of your MURPHS SURF board, only stand on the board in areas where the deck pad covers the surface. To avoid dings elsewhere, handle your board with care and don't allow it to come into contact with hard surfaces at a high rate of speed.
Crack Ding - A crack ding is a more serious problem. Usually caused when the board comes in contact with a hard surface at a rapid speed. A crack ding may breach the seal between the fiberglass shell and foam core allowing water to enter the foam core. Over time, the water that enters the foam core will damage the foam causing the water-damaged area of the foam to get heavier and softer. This can result in poor performance of your board and may allow the ding to grow in size.
What to do... In the event of a crack ding on your board, remove your board from the water as soon as possible and have it repaired by a fiberglass specialist. You can also attempt to repair the board using a fiberglass repair kit available at some hardware stores or online. Since your MURPHS SURF board is made using an EPS foam core, be sure you only use an epoxy resin based repair kit.
Many types of roof racks are available for transporting your MURPHS SURF BOARD. Some roof rack attachments are made specifically for carrying Paddle Boards. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for using SUP specific roof racks.
Other roof racks may be used to transport your MURPHS SURF board. Follow these simple steps to help ensure your board is not damaged during transportation.
Secure the board to roof racks using high quality straps
Do not over-tighten the straps, as this can damage the board
Place the board on the racks with the fin or fin box facing the sky
Place the board on the racks with the fin or fin box located towards the front of the vehicle
Use a cushion on the racks to reduce wear and tear on the board
Use a cushion on the straps to reduce wear and tear on the board
If transporting multiple boards, place a cushion between the boards to prevent wear and tear on the board
Always ensure that there is sufficient distance between the two racks to securely support the board at high speeds
Avoid driving too fast. The boards have a large surface area and driving at high speeds can cause damage to the board or your vehicle.
Do not use ratchet tie downs to secure your board to your vehicle. The foam/fiberglass construction of the board can only handle so much pressure!
The plastic Gore-Tex® vent plug is used to keep the inside of the board (the core) an air/water tight environment. It vents the board automatically, please do not loosen or remove to prevent damage to the plug.
Your MURPHS SURF board comes equipped with a standard 10’ fin box. The fin box is designed to accept the standard MURPHS SURF fin as well as most aftermarket fins plus the clear carbon series fin. Your fin should fit tightly into the fin box.
To install the fin, remove the aluminum plate and screw from the fin and slide the aluminum plate down into the fin box and into the recessed track. Position the aluminum plate as far forward as possible (for access later). Set the fin into the fin box by sliding the brass pin into the opening until it bottoms out, then slide the fin as far backwards as you would like. Next, push the front of the fin into the box and attach the fin to the aluminum plate with a flat head screwdriver.
Your fin may be difficult to install the first few times, but don’t worry, this is a good thing. The tighter the fin is in the fin box, the better the board will ride. Your fin box will “open” up over time to allow the fin to slide in and out easier. If the fin is too tight, use light sand paper to sand the inside of the fin box to remove any excess plastic chips or resin that may be present.
Q: Why are there bubbles on the deck pad of my board?
A: On occasion, upon the first couple of uses of the board, you may experience some unsightly bubbling in the deck pad. This is a normal occurrence and you should not be alarmed.
Deck pads are adhered to the board in a climate controlled facility as the last step of our production process. Shortly after, the boards are moved to a facility of higher climate for a quality control inspection. During this inspection air bubbles underneath the pad that present themselves are taken care of by poking a hole with a fine needle to release the air. The 3M adhesive on the underside of the pad is still extremely tacky and the pad will re-adhere to the board. In some cases these air bubbles do not present themselves during the inspection process.
If air bubbles show up underneath the deck pad, you can remedy the issue by poking a small hole in the deck pad with a needle to release the trapped air. Often times, the bubbles will disappear on their own after a couple of uses of the board.
Q: Inflating and Deflating MURPHS SURF AIR BOARDS
A: MURPHS SURF AIR boards are designed to be inflated to 15 PSI.
Manual pump: Using the included manual pump, the gauge will not register pressure until around 7 PSI. For maximum stability, keep inflating the board until you reach 15 PSI.
Electric Pump: Set the Pump's dial to 15 PSI and start inflating. The low pressure pump will run until about 7 PSI, and then will audibly switch to the high pressure pump. This pump will run until the board reaches 15 PSI, and will automatically shut off.
The electric Pump includes a deflate port, which may be connected to the board and run until the board appears fully flat. Do not leave the pump unattended during deflation as it can overheat when it can no longer extract air. Use the thumbscrew to lock the valve open for final deflation while rolling up the board. ELECTRIC PUMPS sold separately.